A Note on Neutrosophy and Buddhism


Prof. Dr. Huang, Cheng-Gui

Tianjin City, Nankaiqu, Weijinlu 154 hao

Shibeili 4 hao 2 men 204, 300073

People's Republic of China

E-mail: amritahcg@263.net



        I claim that Neutrosophy, by Professor Florentin Smarandache, is a deep thought in human culture. That gives advantage to break the mechanical understanding of human culture. For example, according to the mechanical theory: existence and non-existence could not be simultaneously.  Actually existence and non-existence are simultaneously. Everyone knows that human life is like a way in the empty space of a bird flying. Everyone can not see himself a second ago, everyone can not see himself for the time being and everyone can not see himself a second future. Everyone could not know what is the existence of self. Everyone is also difficult to say the non-existence of self. So the existence and non-existence of self are simultaneously. And the existence and nonexistence of everything are simultaneously, where, the law of excluded middle does not apply. These basic facts express the depth of Smarandache’s Neutrosophy. He has a lot of friends in ancient and in nowadays, in the West and in the East.


We know the famous poetry of Buddha’s in his “Diamond Sutra”:


     Doing Dream

All active beings are like dreams,

Illusions, water bubbles, shadows,

Dew-drops, or lightning’s.

Should make view in a way like this.


The life of every one is like a dream, or every one is birth and death in a dream. The existence of the world is like an illusion, or the world is produced and vanished like an illusion.

Every one could not distinguish what is a dream and what is his real life. Every one could not know it is a dream when he is being in a dream.

About this issue, Madhyamapratipad (The Mean), two thousand years ago, Nagarjuna, a scholar from ancient India, wrote two books, one was titled “Madhyamika-satra”, and another was titled “Madhyamika Karika” (Treatise of the Middle Way). One thousand and five hundred years ago, Jizang, a Chinese scholar, wrote a book titled ”Commentary on Madhyamikasatra”. Five hundred years ago, Zongkaba, a scholar from Tibet, wrote a book titled “Extensive Interpretation of Madyamika-satra”.

From these books we should know the depth of the Neutrosophy.